How to Know You Are in Love – 20 Signs

How to Know You Are in Love

Unsure about your feelings? Let me be your compass on the journey of deciphering love. Discover the unmistakable signs that confirm you’re truly in love with that special someone. No more doubts, just clarity and insight

How to Know You Are in Love -20 Signs

Love often speaks in subtle whispers. If you’re questioning your feelings, especially with a friend. Let’s carefully explore the small details and aspects of the situation Explore the signs that love may be quietly blooming around your friendship. Understanding love is simpler than you think

1. You Think About Them Often

how to know you are in love

Ever find yourself lost in thoughts about someone special? It happened to me once, and I ended up burning my plantain while daydreaming.

When your mind frequently drifts back to them, it’s like they’ve taken residence in your thoughts. You recall every interaction, envision romantic scenes, and even think about them before bedtime. They become the first person on your mind each morning – a clear sign that something special is brewing

2. Their Worries are Your Concern

When they face tough times, you find yourself more concerned than they might be. Your mind starts brainstorming ways to lift them out of their struggles simply because their well-being matters to you.

Empathy kicks in, and you can sense their pain, making you want to help or even make sacrifices for their happiness. It’s a natural desire to see them smiling and content all the time.

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3. You Talk About Them a Lot

This is something that almost everyone experiences. When you love someone, they are always on your mind, and you find yourself wanting to talk about them when you’re with your friends.

Your friends may notice it and inquire, but you might dismiss it as insignificant at times. You enjoy sharing details about them, even if the conversation isn’t initially headed in that direction.

4. You Always Defend Them

Even in their absence, you find yourself wanting to defend them. The mere sight of someone making a snide remark about them is unbearable, prompting you to rush to their defense.

Love brings with it a range of emotions, especially in the beginning, where the excitement of wanting everything to be alright prevails. Hearing anything negative about them, be it their actions or words, triggers a sense of discomfort. Any portrayal that diminishes their character, either in your eyes or others, is something you strongly detest

5. You Find Them Attractive

how to know you are in love

Even if they don’t dress impeccably, you still find yourself admiring them. Typically unattractive traits, like appearing unkempt or untidy, hold no significance when it comes to them; you barely even notice.

6. Want to See Them Often

It’s a common experience: you always crave to be with them, even if you’ve just parted ways, and the anticipation of seeing them again is palpable.

Have you ever noticed how time seems to fly when you’re with someone you love, especially in the early stages of a new relationship? It happens to me, and I’m sure it does to you too. It’s the longing to spend not just a moment but the entire day with that special person—time never feels quite enough.

7. Finding Ways to Be With Them

The longing to be with them can escalate into a strong desire, especially if you’re not officially dating. You find yourself conjuring up reasons to visit them, even if it means altering your usual routine. It may seem a bit wild, especially when you’re not in a relationship yet.

8. You Desire Their Love

how to know you are in love

Absolutely, the desire for mutual affection is natural. When you’re in love, the hope for reciprocity becomes a prominent wish. This sentiment can be intense, especially if the person you love isn’t aware of your feelings. If you’re looking to make a reciprocal connection, consider exploring the guide on “How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You.” It offers insights into fostering mutual feelings.

9. Make Them a Priority

Certainly, the willingness to suspend your own priorities to assist someone you care about is a noble act. However, it’s crucial to approach it with the understanding that expectations might not always be met.

While making sacrifices for a friend is admirable, it’s wise to prioritize self-care and avoid expecting reciprocation, which can sometimes lead to disappointment. Remember, your well-being should always take precedence.

10. Want to Share Everything With Them

Indeed, the compulsion to reach for your phone just to update someone special about even the seemingly trivial occurrences is a unique experience.

It goes beyond a mere exchange of information; it involves sharing details about food, snacks, or your reflections on various matters.

They often hold the position of being the first to know about your upcoming endeavors, whether they relate to business, school, or other facets of life. This inclination reflects the significance you attach to keeping them informed about every aspect of your life.

11. Feeling of Jealousy

how to know you are in love

The twinge of envy that arises when they engage in conversations with individuals of the opposite gender is a common sentiment. While it’s a normal emotion, excessive concern in an established relationship can potentially strain the bond.

Acknowledging that they will naturally interact with people of the opposite sex from time to time can be challenging.

The desire for their attention solely directed towards you becomes evident, even though it may not be entirely feasible. Recognizing and navigating this emotion is a clear indicator of your affection for them

12. Sexual Feeling

You’ll consistently experience a sexual attraction to this person. Feeling a desire for intimacy is a clear sign of love, especially for many women who often prioritize emotional connection before physical intimacy. If you find yourself longing to be close to them intimately, recognize that this feeling is a manifestation of the love that predates these desires.

13. You Enjoy Their Company

Given your deep affection for this person, their company becomes a source of joy. Spending time with them is anything but dull, as you genuinely relish being in their presence, even during moments of quiet companionship.

14. Plan Your Future With Them

Undoubtedly, the desire to be with your loved one for a lifetime sparks imaginative future planning: envisioning shared trips, the walk down the aisle, creating a home together, the honeymoon night, and beyond.

Whether silently crafting these scenarios in your mind or openly discussing them, these are unmistakable signs of a deep and lasting connection.

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15. They are Just Perfect

Love has this magical effect that makes everything about the person you adore seem flawless. You find beauty in their imperfections, and their mistakes become endearing quirks.

It’s like wearing love-tinted glasses, where even the smallest faults are transformed into perfect idiosyncrasies. Not everyone experiences these signs, but when you do, it adds an enchanting layer to the tapestry of love.

16. Always Chatting With Them

how to know you are in love

You become the architect of your schedule, strategically carving out moments to connect with them through messages. On social media, where physical proximity is absent, your initiation of conversations reflects an underlying longing for their virtual presence. As you eagerly type out your thoughts, each message becomes a bridge, spanning the gap between screens and fostering a sense of closeness in the absence of face-to-face encounters.

17. They Ruin or Make Your Day

The manner in which they treat you holds a significant influence on your emotional state, whether it be a source of joy or distress. You are acutely aware of the impact they have on your feelings.

A single hurtful remark from them can cast a shadow over your entire day and linger into the night, contrasting with the resilience you might show to similar comments from others. You frequently crave the desire for them to treat you well and care for you.

18. You Stare at Them Often

Your gaze involuntarily lingers on them, a subtle sign that your heart might be leaning toward love.

19. You Want to Impress Them

You consistently find yourself preoccupied with their opinion of you, striving to present your best self. This includes making efforts to dress well, excel in various aspects, and generally create a positive impression, demonstrating your eagerness to impress them.

20. You Are Comfortable Around Them

how to know you are in love

You embrace authenticity and resist the urge to pretend. Sharing your secrets or future plans with them feels effortless, indicating a level of comfort and trust. People may experience various signs depending on their personalities.

Recognizing these clear signs of love involves paying close attention to your own emotions and behaviors. Which of these signs resonated with you or led you to the realization that you were in love? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Hop on the Love Train, Let’s Live a Happy Life!

Here to guide you on how to know you are in love if you are having doubts about your feelings for this person.

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